Changing Faces

Monday, November 26, 2007

Questions: my sincere answers!

I took this interview on a website and i thought i could share it with you guys on blogsville....its a way of getting to know more about who simplynuttie is....enjoy

What is your favorite song of all time?
Cater to you - Destiny's child

If you could be someone else for a day, who would it be?

If you have friends coming for supper what would you cook?
vegetable soup with lots of meat and roast fish

What is your favourite word?

What makes you cry?
a lot...

What makes you laugh?

If you were an animal in the wild, what would you be?

If you won the lottery, how would you spend your millions?
invest 70% then have pure unadultrated fun with the rest.

If you could time travel to the past to correct any mistakes you feel youve made would you?
no, its a waste of time...might even make another mistake

Do you believe that the cup is half empty or half full?
half full

Who was your hero as a child?
my big brother

What do you do for fun?
everything is fun

Are you an outdoor or an indoor person

If you had only six months to live, what would you do first?
get married n travel d world

What 3 words would your best friend use to describe you?
Crazy, Wierd, Pretty

Where do you see yourself in five years?
Happily married with 2 kids

What are you most proud of in your life?
everything sexy and everyone nice that i have ever come across...including myself

How tall are you?
Do you own any pets, and if so what do you have?
no pets!!!

Who do you admire most?
An old friend

Do you have any tattoos, and if so what and where?
not yet

When do you plan on getting married?
in the next 12months

Get the number or give the number?
give the number

Romance or Kinky Sex?

How do you feel?

What size shoe do you wear?

Water or 100% Juice?

Would you rather be hot or cold?
some parts Hot....some coooold!...wait a minute, what kind of hot or cold?

Would you rather lose an arm or a leg?

Favorite Place to Eat?
Anywhere clean and serene

Opera, Musical, Concert, Play, Performance, or Other?

What is your favorite clothing brand?
A whole lot of them but i really get the kick out of any brand that is sexy, comfortable and affordable.

Most Memorable Past?
had several memorable past but the big one isnt here yet...will keep you posted!

Most embarrassing moment?
too embarrassing for this page!

If you had to pick one car, which would it be?

Why did the chicken cross the road?
there's food and partner on the other side

Where is Waldo?
I dont know

What was your last thought?
Crazy interview

Firefox, Internet Explorer, Netscape, or other?
Internet Explorer

Who are you going to vote for in 2008?
My country will vote in 2011

Juice and crackers or milk and cookies?
Juice and crackers

Favorite fruit?

Which is worse? A bad laugh or a bad cough?
Bad cough

Are you a cat or a dog person?

Would you rather be blind or deaf?
Life without sight or sound? Not me!

Define yourself in 3 words...
Romantic, Adventurous, Nuttie

Do you eat cold cereal at night?
if there is no option

What is your favorite TV show?
Trading Spouses

Kill the spider or let it out?
let it out

Do you shower every single day?

Walking past a beggar, spare change or ignore?

Boat or bus?

What is your favorate Pj Fabric
silk and skin

Where do you want to travel next?

What would you do if Michael Jackson asked you out
punch his nose

What is your favorite food?
anything delicious

Do you read harry potter books?

What is your favorite place?
My bed

If you could have one super human power what would you choose?
To be able to read minds....that would be a blast...will laugh all day long!

Have you had a beer in the last week?

Favorite body part?
my bum, lips, legs, eyes, nose....every part!

Flip flops or sandals?

What do you do on fridays?
you'll find out when you roll with me

How tall are you?

Do you like bananas?
yea...and the real ones too!


Anonymous said...

Nice thot, nice answers..but response to some of the questions are intriqing and thot provoking...

Don said...

hmm @ both and your do you like bananas answer.

You are pretty.

And I also never understood the fascination w/ Harry Potter. I love bottled water and when you make that great sounding stew ... email me some.

Good post.

Don said...

Oh, of course I see now, you are a Scorpio like

And I love John Grisham books. I'm currently reading The Partner. He just released another book about 2 months ago. You read it yet?

anevisa said...

Don: thanks for the compliment.

I am yet to read his latest book...would love to, though.

As per the vegetable'll really have to eat it with your eba/fufu/

thanks for stopping by.

UnNaked Soul said...

LOL... very interesting person you are... a drink together perhaps?

Afrobabe said...

no shitting...we really are soul mates...cater to u is also my all time favourite,also 5'3 though i like to form that its 5'4..well soul mates till it gets to spiders..I kill the little buggers... many kinds of banana we get?

wrote this a couple of days ago...saved it till

Afrobabe said...

ehmmm far????

I go tell oh.

anevisa said...

@ unnaked soul: granted, but it will be in a ver heavy shelters...rain water/dust/debris mixes with your we have a date?

@ afrobabe: the ones on a banana tree...the ones that her hard and straight...bent...crooked...short...skinny....still want to know more?

@ afrobabe: tell who?

UnNaked Soul said...

@afrobabe: LOL...

UnNaked Soul said...

sounds like fun... we do have a date then... *wink*