Changing Faces

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Paypackages and Qualifications

This post is just my thoughts and observation with no particular company in mind. Any resemblance to actual persons: employed or unemployed, companies: thriving or liquidated, is purely coincidental.

It irks me to see employees that are underpaid because they are not graduates but work effortlessly and put in more hardwork than some of their colleagues that are graduates, fickle brained and earn more.

Is it a standard everywhere that graduates gets paid more than undergraduates or its just a partial attitude from employers? Or they just decide to look the other way cos of a simple piece of paper that states that so and so person graduated from so and so school with so and so degree? Wait a minute! Is there a law somewhere that states that undergraduates should be given much work and treated with disdain in order for them to go back to school and complete their education so they can equally sit and earn big pay? I wonder what will happen to companies when everybody is a graduate and there's just no one to be underpaid who will do the job.

Its so demeaning to see someone work his butt off just to get the job done and there is this person that just sits somewhere without doing nothing and at the end of the month their paypackages are worlds apart. I just cant, for the life of me do that to my employees (when i do have them) Never ever!

One funny thing is, some employers complain about a particular staff who is a graduate that isnt fit to earn half of what is being paid, yet they continue to pay. Even when it is obvious that some staff work harder, come rain, come sunshine but they just fail to pay in order of productivity. My friends and i compare notes about our workplaces and the treatment that is being metted out to staff and we've just discovered that its the same everywhere (I dont know about your own workplace, though). There are really good graduates out there that are efficient and up to the task. But sincerely, why would some employers pay a dumbass graduate more than an agile, intelligent and hardworking undergraduate? (Maybe the employers are dumbasses too!)

When you look at terms of employment, it probably states " management trainee" "on probation" "salary will be reviewed based on productivity" "incentives" e.t.c. but when it comes to it...your salary becomes insignificant, you work just to earn more and the ones who arent working get promoted.

Will there ever be a time when you get paid according to your intelligence and not according to a paper from a school? Maybe a policy can be issued regarding this. Maybe its just the system i am in and its different out there. And most times the hardworker and the ficklebrained knows their pay packages should be swapped. They cant just do anything about it.

Maybe i am just out to see people earn according to their hardwork. Maybe i am just wrong. Wont it be simply wonderful if an undergraduate who is up to the task earn more than a graduate that is not? It will make the fickle brains sit up and act properly - incentives to the undergrads...abi?

I am outta here!


little miss me said...

i havn't gotten a professional job yet but i understand cos i wrote a term paper on differential effects of credentialism.based on research, favoring of a university graduate over a college( like community college) graduate and then over someone with no upper level credentials is really rampant.
i don't support the over reliance on credentials and school leaving certificates rather than qualification in the actual job. companys need to be broad minded.

Afrobabe said...

That is where the uk is different...Nigeria is just obsessed with they pay you according to what you can do..

Don said...

I think this world is set on forever taking people for their surface and not for what lies underneath. It doesn't stop spinning long enough to truly notice.

Sele Akobo(curvyice) said...

i undertsand that it hurts to see people who deserve better pay get less than their ficklebrained counterparts because the latter has got some paper qualification, but we cant help it, thats society for u, we all have been affected one way or the other so yea it hurts but that is life for you, it exist errwhere even in the uk. but it was nice of simplynuttie to talk abt it.